DIY Printable – Christmas Gifttags — Sew DIY

DIY Printable – Christmas Gifttags

I can hardly believe that it's almost Christmas. If you're anything like me you have a few (or all!) of your presents left to wrap. So for today's Font Friday I've chosen two fonts that are perfect for a fun, casual Christmas and I made them into some Christmas hangtags, free for you to download. (Yay!)

The first font is Blackout from The League of Movable Type which looks like letters cut out from construction paper. There are three versions - Midnight, 2AM and Sunrise. I'd love to try cutting out these letters out and make a garland. The second font is Cubano from Lost Type Co-Op, a rounded, chunky sans-serif, not unlike one Mr. Clause.

Cut out the hangtags using scissors or an exacto knife. To attach to you gift, you can either punch a hole in the circle at the top of the tag and tie it on or you could tape the tag onto the gift using decorative washi tape as seen above.

Download the hang tags here.

I hope you enjoy these. Merry Christmas!!!