You might remember making origami balls as a little tyke. I always thought the best part was the last step, when you puff out the balls with a quick blow of air in the opening at the bottom. This fun cheerful garland is really easy to make and can be done in any color or patterned paper you choose. Like yesterday's project, this is a great project for kids.

DIY Origami Ball Lighted Garland
Origami paper (or any paper cut into a square about 6.5 inches)
String of twinkle lights
Step 1: Make one origami ball for each light on the string. (Pictorial instructions here. Video here.)
Step 2: Push the open end of each ball over a light.
I chose mostly red papers with a few green a blue ones thrown in for variety. This project really couldn't be much simpler. You could also do a garland in non-Christmas colored paper to use as decoration any time of year.
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