Free Pattern - DIY Yoga-Style Stirrup Leggings

I love easy, useful sewing projects and today I’m super excited to share a free pattern for adding a yoga-style stirrup to a pair of leggings. Even though I sew most of my own clothes, I like to stay up to date on what is happening in ready-to-wear fashion. In my research, I stumbled upon a few pairs of stirrups leggings. I experienced more than a little bit of nostalgic ’80s déjà vu and was really excited to see a stirrup variation perfect for yoga. Rather than just a thin strip of fabric that goes under the foot, these leggings have an opening for the heel and cover the center arch area of the foot. I have tendency to get cold feet and these leggings are a great solution for keeping my feet warm while allowing enough foot to be exposed to maintain a steady yoga pose.

DIY Sheer Magenta Watson Bra & Bikini Set

DIY Sheer Magenta Watson Bra & Bikini Set

Today I have the second make from my 2017 Make Nine plans. I'm definitely feeling a little smug that if I keep up this one a month pace I’ll be done before the year is out. Today’s make is the Watson Bra and Bikini pattern by Cloth Habit. I hadn't initially planned to make the bikini because I recently made a bunch of panties but seeing as I do not own a single matching lingerie set, I thought I'd give it a go. Plus, it's just so, so pretty!!!

DIY Navy Cap Sleeve Dress – Review of the Zadie Dress by Tilly & the Buttons

DIY Navy Cap Sleeve Dress – Review of the Zadie Dress by Tilly & the Buttons

Today I’m really excited to share the Zadie Dress with you. This unique and cleverly designed dress from Tilly & the Buttons is super comfortable to wear yet still very polished. The pattern was just released last week but I was lucky enough to be sent an advance copy of the pattern by the lovely folks at Tilly HQ a couple weeks ago. The dress features really beautiful design lines that are just begging for some color blocking. Plus there are big in-seam pockets perfecting for stowing away all your bits and bobs.