Nita Wrap Skirt Sewalong Day 3: Facings & Darts

Nita Wrap Skirt Sewalong Day 3: Facings & Darts

Welcome to Day 3 of the Nita Wrap Skirt Sewalong! If you haven't done so already, grab your copy of the pdf pattern right here and then check out all of the sewalong posts here.

Day 3: Sewing the Front Facings & Darts

Now that we have all of our pattern pieces ready, it’s time to start sewing our skirt. Today we are going to fold and topstitch the front facings, sew the darts and the side seams. It might seem like a lot but it doesn't take too long. Happy sewing!

Nita Wrap Skirt Sewalong Day 2: Prepare the Fabric

Nita Wrap Skirt Sewalong Day 2: Prepare the Fabric

Welcome to Day 2 of the Nita Wrap Skirt Sewalong! If you haven't done so already, grab your copy of the pdf pattern right here and then check out all of the sewalong posts here.

Day 2: Cutting Fabric, Applying interfacing

You’ve gathered your supplies and assembled your pattern. Now it’s time to cut your fabric and interfacing. The pattern includes cutting diagrams for the different views and widths of fabric. However, you may find that you’re able to use less fabric by cutting the pattern flat instead of folded. 

Nita Wrap Skirt Sewalong Day 1: Supplies

Nita Wrap Skirt Sewalong Day 1: Supplies

Welcome to the first day of the Nita Wrap Skirt sewalong. The intent of these posts is to give you some extra tips for sewing your skirt that would have been too cumbersome to include in the pattern. You’ll also find photos for each step, which can be a great addition to the illustrations found in the pattern. For the sewalong, we’ll be making the waistband from view C of the pattern. Don’t worry if you are making views A and C, the steps are very similar.

A note on the schedule: I'm planning these posts more as a reference guide than an actual sewalong so I'll be posting everything all at once. You can find a listing of all the posts on the main sewalong page right here.