Simple Bag

I whipped up this little bag in much less than an hour. I used a piece of remnant fabric just 15 inches by 18 inches. I think I bought the fabric at Fabric Depot a few years ago. I love how bright and cheery it is. I'm using the bag to hold my sock knitting project on my trip next week. (Thanks for all the packing advice, by the way!)

To make the bag, I folded the fabric in half widthwise and stitched along the bottom and one side (the other side is the fold and the top is open). To make an opening for the drawstring, I left an opening at the top of the side seam, about an inch from the top (see photo above).

To finish, make a casing at the top and thread ribbon through the opening. I might make another one to use as a shoe bag in my suitcase. When carrying a large bag, I like to have all my junk organized into smaller bags that can be found quickly. For example, I'll have different bags for makeup, jewelery, ipod/headphones and art supplies. On the plane, I can easily pull out just what I need, keep it contained and store the rest under the seat. How do you organize the stuff you carry around? Is there a kind of bag you prefer?