Last weekend I decided to give myself the challenge of sewing an entire outfit each day of the three day weekend. Conveniently, I did not need to do any shopping for supplies. First up, I found the above photo in a Lands End Canvas catalog and went to work to recreate the outfit.

I used chambray for the skirt and a white and grey striped knit for the tank top. For the skirt I used an old Very Easy Very Vogue skirt pattern that I bought in high school. The pattern is Vogue 9291 and I used view B with the waistband from View C. The pattern uses a lining instead of a button placket, so I extended the front edge to make one.

The skirt was very easy to put together. I used a light grey thread for the top stitching and buttonholes because I've found the light grey blends very well on denim.

At the end of the night, I decided the skirt was looking kind of boring and added patch pockets with decorative buttons.

For the tank top I used the pattern from Wendy Mullin's
Sew U Home Stretch. I had planned to use a stretch denim bias tape to finish the edges but the bias tape felt too bulky for the weight of the fabric. I tried a piping and bias strips and settled on the bias strips to finish. I made a size large for the tank top and it is a little too wide at the shoulders and loose fitting. If I make it again, I went to reduce the size at the center seam.
To finish off the outfit, I found (in my stash!) a white braid and a wooden belt buckle and fashioned them into a belt.