How to draft a neckline facing - Video Tutorial

Video Tutorial - How to draft a facing by Sew DIY

A facing is essentially a piece of fabric that finishes a raw edge. It’s especially useful if you want a stable edge or if you want a really unique shape. With a facing, it’s easy to create pretty much any shape you want from a scallop edged skirt to a sweetheart neckline.

Yesterday, I shared my holiday Dana Jumpsuit hack with a v-neck and today I’m going to show you how to draft a facing. The Dana Jumpsuit, like many other patterns, uses a facing to finish the neckline edge. So, if you want to alter the neckline, you’ll also need to alter the neckline facing. Fortunately, drafting a neckline is really easy. In fact, if you’re totally new to pattern drafting, this is a really good place to start. Watch the video below for all the details.

I hope that you found the video helpful. This method of drafting a facing can be used to adjust an armhole, hem or any other part of a pattern with a facing. If you want to learn more about sewing facings as well as a bunch of other intermediate level sewing techniques, I recommend checking out the Dana Jumpsuit e-course. You can learn more about the class here. Happy sewing!

Dana Jumpsuit PDF pattern