schnittchen — Garment sewing patterns, inspiration, tips and tutorials — Sew DIY


DIY Silk Culottes Jumpsuit Review of the Judith Jumpsuit by Schnittchen

DIY Silk Culottes Jumpsuit Review of the Judith Jumpsuit by Schnittchen

Hi friends! Today I’m excited to finally share this lovely jumpsuit with you. I started this way back in October as part of the #sewfrosting challenge hosted by True Bias and Closet Case Patterns. The idea behind the challenge is to sew things that are fun and not necessarily practical. I had this gorgeous fabric in my stash for way too long and the challenge inspired me to finally take the plunge and use it. I honestly have not worn this jumpsuit yet except for taking photos but I’m blaming the weather. As soon as it’s a little warmer, I hope to give this jumpsuit a proper debut. 

DIY Oversized Sweatshirt – Catrin by Schnittchen

DIY Oversized Sweatshirt – Catrin by Schnittchen

A couple months ago the lovely people at Schnittchen patterns asked me if I'd like to try out one of their patterns. They have so many interesting pattern designs that I had a hard time choosing one. I really liked the look of the Ute dress. But in the end, I settled on something that I expect to get a lot of wear out of, the Catrin Sweatshirt. I've made quite a few sweatshirts in the past year or so. But I wear them often enough that I thought there was room for one more, especially one like this oversized, cozy Catrin.